Monday, November 29, 2010

How did this happen?

     Recently Proposition 19 lost on the ballot in California. Preelection projections suggested that the proposition was going to pass by a large majority. This proposition would have made it legal for anyone 21 or older to grow, possess and use small amounts of marijuana. Marijuana would be held to the same restrictions as alcohol regarding minors and possesion on school grounds. Possesion and culitivation would have reasonable regulations and under federal laws it was all still illegal.
     This will certainly sound like a victory to oppostion of the proposition like San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis who was a vehement bellicose front woman  fearing marijuanas exposure to children. However, this year the exposure and conversation sparked about the benefits of the legalization of marijuana could not be hushed. People aren't stupid and we all have ears to hear. The elite in charge that are in fear of some loss of profit and a loss to their endowment will not be able to prevent revolutionary progression through education. After the results Thomas Jefferson School of Law professor Alex Kreit optimistically stated, "It has become pretty clear that it’s not a question of if a state is going to legalize marijuana in the near future, it’s just when,”
     Nationwide, American citizens crossed their fingers that the projections would hold up for Prop 19. When it did not pass it was only a stepping stone. Mr Kreit reiterated "I would be very surprised if we don't see it on the ballot in one state and probably a handful in 2012, whether one of those states is California remains to be seen."  I certainly agree. This was an opportunity to set a precedent and that goal was achieved. Rome wasn't built in a day and this battle has been arguously fought since advocates for the protection of our civil liberties in the 1970's.
     In Short, I challenge you; educate yourself ! Look into the ecological, medical and financial benefits of the legalization of marijuana. It is your future. Be a part of solution.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Who ya gonna call? ...... Not the Ghostbusters

          When fighting for an issue that could be considered "controversial" it can be difficult to find important people that are willing to advocate and speak up about the issue. These politicians have to be very particular about what they say in public because voters listen. The person I will be sending my letter to is Barney Frank. According to an article in the Herald from 2008,
"Rep. Barney Frank is defending a bill he plans to file this week decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana, saying the federal law unfairly targets those using medical marijuana in California." I also found out that Mr. Frank tried to pass a similar bill in the 1970's. This is definitely the person I am looking to for assistance.
    I saw Barney frank on the Tonight show with Jay Leno a few months ago and ironically enough Leno asked him about his stand regarding Proposition19 (legalization and taxation of marijuana).  Mr. Frank seemed a bit apprehensive about the question and just said that he felt americans should be able to gamble and drink and even smoke pot. He agreed that it should be taxed.
    I did some digging and it turns out that Barney Franks's partner, a Mr. James Ready, was busted for pot in Maine in 2007. This might have fueled some of Barney frank's advocacy towards reforming marijuana laws. Whatever it takes, we are going to have to make something happen.