Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Letter to the a Democrat

   I had previously stated that US representative Barney Frank would be the individual I will be writing my letter to. This is what I composed:

 Dear Barney Frank,

I want to commend you for your contributions to the reformation of marijuana laws and the legal punishments for possesion. These ammendents are inevitable and honestly quite commonsensical. The reformation of marijuana laws is an issue effecting everyone in the country. These laws are detrimental to the advancement as a nation. We, as a nation, are suffering from one of the worst fiscal depressions in the history of our country. If we could start fighting the overwhelming multitrillion dollar financial deficit by reforming mariuana laws and taxing it; we , as a nation, would be remiss to not give it a chance. '
      We need to stand up to the all-powerfull drug companies that would lose money if we persued the medicinal applications of marijuana. Let's start saving lives!
      Even the agricultural and ecological benefits of the reformation of marijuana laws are undeniable. I am not asking what my country can do for me, I am asking what I can do for my country. I will not sit by silently just assuming that all the problems will go away. I am not afraid and I will let my voice be heard. I will be a part of this revolutionary change and I know you will too.
       Silas Barton

That is what I came up with and hopefully it will be embraced and meditated upon. For all of us.