Thursday, September 23, 2010


          My blog is about an uncomfortable coversation between Elizabeth Sutherland and Carol Hanisch.
Upon reading the title of the blog I was excited. It seemed fun and inviting. However, after just a few paragraghs I was anxious and uneasy. I am all about an honest debate between peers. This was not just a friendly debate. Both parties werea bit bellicose. Elisabeth understandably defensive. If I am looking at this argument, unbiastly, they both turn me off to the point that I couldn't wait until it was over.
        I am actually a feminist by definition. I don' beleive in gender classifications, or any classification for that matter. Salary standards should not be dependant on whether you are a man, woman, black, white, purple polka-dotted or striped.
        Every woman I have ever been socially involved with has without a doubt been a feminist. I love strong, intelligent, vocal women. It's my thing. I adore interacting with all human beings that are intelligent and opinionated.
       I feel like the interviewer in this case asked negatively charged questions like, "Are you trying to be like men?" The whole conversation was riddled with ignorant statements, ie:  "But other people are more oppressed than you."(as if to imply that their suffering wasn't so bad because somewhere, someone is suffering more) "Women don't have it so bad." He insinuates that feminists are "advocating an end to families-putting all kids in nurseries." He even closes saying,"well,all I can say is you must be a lesbian".....ignorance. I feel bad for Elizabeth Sutherland. She was not givin an interview in a fair forum.
       However, if I may interject, I also believe that chivalry should not die as a result. I was born and raised in New Orleans and my mother raised me to be a gentlemen. She would die if she found out I didn't say "yes ma'am" or I didn't give up my seat for a "lady."
      I am exasperated by these supposed feminists that are offended when I say "yes ma'am." The disgusted looks, like I am going to steal your purse, when I hold a door open or offer my seat on a crowded subway train. Don't be mad at me because your boss called you "sweetheart."
      In my opinion, as futile as it may be, women deserve every respect and right that any other HUMAN BEING deserves. ANY HUMAN BEING!
     The problem for me is that I can't fully support any cause that fights for only one person or side. My vote is not for feminism on this day. I am impathetically apologetic to any woman offended for no reason. My vote is for HUMAN BEINGISM.

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