My next blog is about a blog from the "Borowitz Report" entitled "Delaware Masturbators March Against O'Donnell." I guess senatorial nominee Christine O'Donnell has a serious problem with this new epidemic sweeping the streets, masturbation. Masturbators from accross the state gathered in Wilmington today for what he refers to as " The largest pro-wanking protest in history." The protestors carrie signs reading "hands off our masturbation" It goes on to explain, Harley Farger, a leading Delaware masturbator and planner of the Million Masturbators March, said "it was difficult to organize masturbators because they're used to acting alone"
This is hilarious to me. Mr. Borowits did not really voice an opinion on the subject but I guess that would have been incriminating for him. Is this what our politicians should be worried about? How does Mrs. O'Donnell plan to abolish this monster, Erection alarms? A no spanking policy is in affect for the following counties....... Come on this is rediculous. Are there so few legitimate things to fight for, that this incredible prude believes that pleasuring ones self is the downfall of modern society. I think she needs to drop out of the race and go home. Sit down and have some coffe with her husband and talk this out because she needs it worse than most. My final thought is, what happens in the dark, stays in the dark. You can't tell me what to do with my body.
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