Thursday, September 23, 2010

We need more billionaires like Ryan Ferrioli

     This blog is in reference to a blog written by a an honorable young man entitled "Response to James M Russel's Post on You can view all of Ryan's insightful blogs at
     I agree with Ryan 100%. The  financial debt that the United States Treasury is facing is unfathomable. I wish Ryan was a billionaire. If more of the incredibly wealthy thought like him the world would be  much better off. Instead we are bailing out multi, I repeat Multi-billion dollar corporations whom squandered outrageous amounts of money. The weight of which is supposed to be carried by myself and the rest of the working class. I am not Karl Marx but this is rediculous. Lets,  as americans put our beautiful heads together and start brainstorming. It doesn't cost a thing. Until we start taking action, nothing is going to change.
     My contributive advice would be to diversify. Lets bring the money back to the people who work hard for it.  We should farm our food locally and boycott monopolistic corporations who don't contribute to society. If we are going to think globally, we need act locally. We need to stop feeling responsible for tsunamis and earthquakes around the world. Manifest destiny is a thing of the past. In the famous words of Diamond from the critically acclaimed film The Player's Club,  "Make that money, don't let it make you"

     The state of California projects 1.2 billion dollars of taxable revenue in the first fiscal year upon legalization and taxation of marijuana. That is only one state!!! Hemp can be used to create a contaminate free fuel. The hemp plant also naturally produces an exponentially stronger and more perdurable fiber than cotton. We americans need to take a stand and speak our minds. Vote! Even if you are in the lower or the supposedly existent middle class, your vote counts. Its time to think outside of the box. The box is stifling and we are going to suffocate (fiscally).

     I hope I become a billionaire soon too. Free gumbo, crawfish and beer for everyone.

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