Friday, September 17, 2010

New Classes

     This blog is about my Community Learning Seminar class at Bunker Hill Community College. At first I wasn't thrilled about being forced to take a class that wasn't in the  area of study I was persuing. Not only because to me it represented the beaurocratic power of "The Man" being impressed upon students to clearly establish who was in control. Also, because it meant I would be spending at least 350$ and six months of my precious time on something I didn't want or need.........Please allow me one moment to remove my size ten and a half Osiris skate shoe from my mouth.
     Upon reception and closer scrutiny of this "Community Learning Seminar" I realized the gravity of the situation. My girlfriend likes to tell me,"you don't get extra points for making it difficult." This class is really a vast reservoir of knowledge and support for me to proverbially lap from. I now respect and appreciate the abundant support at my fingertips. I believe this class will certainly make my college experience richer. I think that offering these classes on such a wide spectrum of topics along with the implementation of student advisors and mentors mean that these "Community Learning Seminars" are probably the best idea "The Man" has ever come up with.

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