Thursday, October 28, 2010

Prop 19

        On the Novevember 2nd ballot in California is Proposition 19. Its called the "Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010." This is the first step in what will be a revolutionary progression in the way people veiw the marijuana plant. It is not a poison and a nuisance. It may be the driving force in the medical advancements of this century. It may be the beginning of the turn-around of or country's fiscal deficit.
         According to, a recent survey by Public Policy Polling indicates that a majority of California voters support the proposition 47% to 38%. Once the rest of the country becomes aware of financial opportunities that this proposition proposes, we are going to see many more states presenting legislature.
        On November 2nd the state of California is finally going to ignite the change that this country has been desperately in need of. I long for the moment that I can cast my vote and be a part of the change>

My Translucent Vision

         I am still undecided as to what the culmination of my work is going to look like. One vision I have is to set up a cornucopia of information at a couple of tables with utilizing pictures, diagrams, graphs and other aesthetically impactful visual aids. I will have my audience as a whole take a few minutes to walk around and peruse some of the information presented. Then, I will give a presentation explaining some of the ecological and economic benefits. I will also will also touch on a few of the many medical applications. I will infer a feeling of urgency by creating awareness. I would then open the floor to any and all questions. I would hope to interact with everyone, respectfully displaying why the issue is important to them even if they originally felt it was unimportant.
         I will be researching  uses of marijuana that are good for the earth or "green" as they say. I will research which politicians are supporting and rebuking this isuue, as well as why they are of that position. I will look into projections of the fiscal impact of the legalization and taxation of marijuana. I will find out what voters themselves think about the issue. I want to know which aspect of the issue voters find more important. Is it the earth, the money or the medicine?
     As i said, I am still undecided as to what form of media i am going to use for the final project. I am also considering a couple different short videos that could be put on the internet and possibly even putting together a rally. It is still a work in progress and will undoubtably be a work for progress.

Another blind skeptic

      I was recently forwarde an article entitled "Legal pot in California a big mistake" by Ruben Navarrette from

     Mr. navarette says the legalization of marijuana is dangerous. He states "It's official. The country's most populous state is nibbling at poison" The opinion of Mr. Navarette is one of bigotry and fear of the unknown. He compares marijuana to achohol and tobacco, which for the record are both significantly more dangerous.
       According to Navarrette, alcohol and tobacco are harmful and that is why such high taxes are levied upon them, to discourage people from abusing them. I beg to differ. Alcohol and tobacco are definitely taxed rediculously. However I don't feel that has deterred serious alcoholics from drinking and chain smokers from puffing away.  Donate some money to Alcoholics Anonymous  or M.A.D.D if you mant to do something about alcoholism. Don't try to tell me that the reason they have these high taxes are because they are trying to discourage people from abusing the substance. That is hogwash. It is a cash cow to the state because they know even if they keep raising taxes people will still allot money to drink or smoke. Don't try to camoflauge the capitolistic GREED to look like you care about people.

      The one eye-opening epiphany I drew  from Mr. Navarrette's article was that even if, as a country, we can pull together to fight for what is right, it will just be exploited by our government as an opportunity to show it's true colors. The deep, deep green of GREED. I don't know why I would have been so naive to think that we can make a positive change in this country without someone using it as a platform for the propulsion of profit.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Recognize!!! If you are not part of the solution , YOU are the PROBLEM!!

    The reformation of marijuana laws is an issue that effects you all. All the people saying "I Don't Smoke Pot" with their noses in the air would be able to see the truth in front of them if they opened there eyes and looked back down at reality, at our current situation. We have: a MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR fiscal deficit, oil prices that can only reflect the greed of the people in control of this precious natural resource, and people dying everyday from ailments that can be treated naturally preventing a majority of the side effects and  infections that arise when using the synthetic drugs that are forced on us by greedy, despicable drug companies. This IS A PROBLEM!! I see prophetic images of America resembling that of post world war Germany where Wheel-barrels full of currency can only by a couple loaves of bread. This is a pivotal moment. If the people of this country could have had the audacity to stand up against evil, currupt, vile, greedy  drug companies ten years ago, I say, we would not be in the same fiscally besmirched position. Maybe we would still be the powerful, wealthy  country we were after the industrial revolution. I hate to feel like it is now or never, however, what if it is!!! Don't just sit there and say it doesn't effect you. IT DOES!!!
       How many People die each year from cancers? ........Go ahead google it . I'll wait.
     What if we could have saved even 2% of these people through medical advancements utilizing THC and cannaboids. Imagine it was your grandmother who died From Breast Cancer and not mine. How would feel about the people who say, "it doesn't effect me"  IT DOES!!!!!!

    According to a analyst Mr. Navarette, "A recent survey by Public Policy Polling indicates that the majority of California voters support the proposition, called the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010, by 47 percent to 38 percent"
    This means that in November we will be witness to the first step in this revolutionary change. I have a feeling Massachusetts as a state will be one of the next states in line to start implementing these tax opportunities.

   Bottom line is that the reformation of marijuana laws brings: Assistance in battling or deficit, creating more jobs, green energy, and saving lives.
 If you still feel this doesn't effect you, you are lying to yourself. Would you want to be a part of the ignorant few who are trying to insinuate that this change would be great for our country? What do you have against saving lives? What do you have against helping our country out of this financial crisis?
    In closing I am telling all of YOU who say that this issue does not effect you, IT DOES!!!!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Civic Engagements

          After looking into options for educating people about the benefits of the reformation of marijuana  laws i was pleasantly surprised. There are a few different venues that would be a good fit.The 33rd annual "Wake up the Earth Day"  will be held in Jamaica Plains at Stonybrook Station on the first Saturday in May, of 2011. This festival celebrates community organizations and diversity. This would be an ideal audience to educate on topics like: the contaminate free fuel that can be produced from the hemp plant, the economic benefits that could be seen from taxation and the many medicinal uses of the marijuana plant. There is also the JP's World Fair which has taken two years off  but is slated to return late in the summer of 2011. This Cultural Event slash Carnival is all about community and social change. Partners Healthcare and Channel 7 have put on The Annual Boston Health Expo for the past four years in June. This would be a huge  opportunity to make an impact nationally. It would cost about 50$ or so to rent a small table/booth and hand out pamphlets of N.O.R.M.L. literature and  display diagrams that vividly show some of the more major medical advancements that could be achieved by the utilization of marijuana such as its use as a bronchodilator. Another fun way to educate the masses would come at the end of September next year at the "Malden Community Health Fair" It was hosted this year by Cambridge Community Health Alliance. There were games and face painting with doctors. There were free bike helmets and other safety gear. This would be an awesome free way to get information dispersed.
      I knew I would find something to do as far as civic engagements go however this opened my eyes to the idea  that awareness of my issue could be a full-time year round job. ............Sorry I was daydreaming. Back in reality I  have to pay rent and go to school. But if I hit the lottery tomorrow I vow to devote everyday of every week of the next 5 years to the education of serious social issues. But I do still have to go to school because I am not going to get an honorary degree from Harvard like Barack Obama) . Lottery money or not I will be able to get information to  vast amounts of people efficiently through the implementation of theses organized civic engagements.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm a voter

      On Monday October 4th I approached the voter registration table a bit apprehensive. Just to let everyone know, it was absolutely painless. I filled out the paper application and just like that, I had taken a huge step toward making my opinion count and my voice heard. Now it is time to educate myself on the issues that matter to me. Then see what canidates share these political views and investigate them. Being a voter is a way to pacify the inate urge to be a detective like Sherlock Holmes. I now look forward to attending some political debates and asking questions. I now want to make my voice heard. I admit it is kind of sad that I didn't register to vote until my professor made it an assignment, but as the 12 step people would say" the first step is admitting you have a problem." There is no reason to beat myself up for not voting the last eight years. Instead, it is time to listening, investigating and asking questions. so for those of you whom are not registered to vote, I would recommend it. This sense of political influence, whether false or not, may be the beginning of the 2020 Senatorial election for the handsome , charismatic and honorable,  Me.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The president for a second grader

        The President of the United States of America is Barack Hussein Obama. This job carries a lot of power. As Spider Man would say,"with great power comes great responsibility"

         To be the President you must be at least 35 years old, a natural-born U.S. citizen, and have lived in the U.S. at least 14 years. There are some benefits to being the President in return for four years of work including : $400,000 of taxable income, $50,000 for expenses which is taxed and $100,000 tax free for travel per year. A taxable pension upon retirement with a salary equal to a cabinet member, which according to is 191,300 per year. So yes, he gets that for the rest of his life. He gets Camp David which is a beautiful retreat on a lake in the country, his own private plane and a professional chef.

          The President also has a lot of power and "say so." He is the Commander in Chief and Commission Officer of the armed Forces. This means he has the final say regarding our military. Besides impeachment, which is firing the President, the President can forgive any federal crimes. He gives speeches that other people write for him and meets with important people from other countries. He can also pick who gets some of the lower level jobs under him. He shares the power to choose the higher ranking officials like judges with the Senate, which is one of the other branches of government. The President shares the power to approve legislation with Congress, the third branch of government. Legislation is new laws. Many people say he works very hard for his money

Saturday, October 2, 2010


                                                     BE THE CHANGE
The rerformation of marijuana laws is an issue that many are too prudishly uncomfortable to speak about because it is not politically correct. In my Opinion, this is partly because of a lack of education on the particular subject, which according to "Merriam-Webster" is the definition of ignorance. I will be arduously fighting to educate and open peoples eyes to the many benefits that the legalization of marijuana presents; fiscal, medicinal  and ecological. I will be explaining in detail a few of the hundreds of medicinal applications tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can be used as an ORGANIC substitute to the SYNTHETIC DRUGS being pushed on an unsuspecting, naivly trustworthy public. I will also disclose the opportunity to assist in the decimation  the multi billion dollar deficit we are facing as a country. I look forward to working with N.O.R.M.L.  which is an organization that has made great leaps of progress in the reformation of marijuana laws. I eagerly anticipate interviewing and getting feedback from skeptics and naysayers. Enlightening and educating every enemy of the evolution of herbal medicine is a task I will be taking very serious. I will be analyzing sociological alterations that will arise when this momentous ammendment is made.

       I am not advocating the use of "drugs" in anyway and am approaching this topic as an unbiased inquirer  . Hugs not drugs! Lets save the lab rats