Thursday, October 28, 2010

Another blind skeptic

      I was recently forwarde an article entitled "Legal pot in California a big mistake" by Ruben Navarrette from

     Mr. navarette says the legalization of marijuana is dangerous. He states "It's official. The country's most populous state is nibbling at poison" The opinion of Mr. Navarette is one of bigotry and fear of the unknown. He compares marijuana to achohol and tobacco, which for the record are both significantly more dangerous.
       According to Navarrette, alcohol and tobacco are harmful and that is why such high taxes are levied upon them, to discourage people from abusing them. I beg to differ. Alcohol and tobacco are definitely taxed rediculously. However I don't feel that has deterred serious alcoholics from drinking and chain smokers from puffing away.  Donate some money to Alcoholics Anonymous  or M.A.D.D if you mant to do something about alcoholism. Don't try to tell me that the reason they have these high taxes are because they are trying to discourage people from abusing the substance. That is hogwash. It is a cash cow to the state because they know even if they keep raising taxes people will still allot money to drink or smoke. Don't try to camoflauge the capitolistic GREED to look like you care about people.

      The one eye-opening epiphany I drew  from Mr. Navarrette's article was that even if, as a country, we can pull together to fight for what is right, it will just be exploited by our government as an opportunity to show it's true colors. The deep, deep green of GREED. I don't know why I would have been so naive to think that we can make a positive change in this country without someone using it as a platform for the propulsion of profit.

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