Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Recognize!!! If you are not part of the solution , YOU are the PROBLEM!!

    The reformation of marijuana laws is an issue that effects you all. All the people saying "I Don't Smoke Pot" with their noses in the air would be able to see the truth in front of them if they opened there eyes and looked back down at reality, at our current situation. We have: a MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR fiscal deficit, oil prices that can only reflect the greed of the people in control of this precious natural resource, and people dying everyday from ailments that can be treated naturally preventing a majority of the side effects and  infections that arise when using the synthetic drugs that are forced on us by greedy, despicable drug companies. This IS A PROBLEM!! I see prophetic images of America resembling that of post world war Germany where Wheel-barrels full of currency can only by a couple loaves of bread. This is a pivotal moment. If the people of this country could have had the audacity to stand up against evil, currupt, vile, greedy  drug companies ten years ago, I say, we would not be in the same fiscally besmirched position. Maybe we would still be the powerful, wealthy  country we were after the industrial revolution. I hate to feel like it is now or never, however, what if it is!!! Don't just sit there and say it doesn't effect you. IT DOES!!!
       How many People die each year from cancers? ........Go ahead google it . I'll wait.
     What if we could have saved even 2% of these people through medical advancements utilizing THC and cannaboids. Imagine it was your grandmother who died From Breast Cancer and not mine. How would feel about the people who say, "it doesn't effect me"  IT DOES!!!!!!

    According to a cnn.com analyst Mr. Navarette, "A recent survey by Public Policy Polling indicates that the majority of California voters support the proposition, called the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010, by 47 percent to 38 percent" http://www.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/10/14/navarrette.pot.prop/index.html?iref=obnetwork
    This means that in November we will be witness to the first step in this revolutionary change. I have a feeling Massachusetts as a state will be one of the next states in line to start implementing these tax opportunities.

   Bottom line is that the reformation of marijuana laws brings: Assistance in battling or deficit, creating more jobs, green energy, and saving lives.
 If you still feel this doesn't effect you, you are lying to yourself. Would you want to be a part of the ignorant few who are trying to insinuate that this change would be great for our country? What do you have against saving lives? What do you have against helping our country out of this financial crisis?
    In closing I am telling all of YOU who say that this issue does not effect you, IT DOES!!!!!!

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