Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm a voter

      On Monday October 4th I approached the voter registration table a bit apprehensive. Just to let everyone know, it was absolutely painless. I filled out the paper application and just like that, I had taken a huge step toward making my opinion count and my voice heard. Now it is time to educate myself on the issues that matter to me. Then see what canidates share these political views and investigate them. Being a voter is a way to pacify the inate urge to be a detective like Sherlock Holmes. I now look forward to attending some political debates and asking questions. I now want to make my voice heard. I admit it is kind of sad that I didn't register to vote until my professor made it an assignment, but as the 12 step people would say" the first step is admitting you have a problem." There is no reason to beat myself up for not voting the last eight years. Instead, it is time to listening, investigating and asking questions. so for those of you whom are not registered to vote, I would recommend it. This sense of political influence, whether false or not, may be the beginning of the 2020 Senatorial election for the handsome , charismatic and honorable,  Me.

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