Thursday, October 14, 2010

Civic Engagements

          After looking into options for educating people about the benefits of the reformation of marijuana  laws i was pleasantly surprised. There are a few different venues that would be a good fit.The 33rd annual "Wake up the Earth Day"  will be held in Jamaica Plains at Stonybrook Station on the first Saturday in May, of 2011. This festival celebrates community organizations and diversity. This would be an ideal audience to educate on topics like: the contaminate free fuel that can be produced from the hemp plant, the economic benefits that could be seen from taxation and the many medicinal uses of the marijuana plant. There is also the JP's World Fair which has taken two years off  but is slated to return late in the summer of 2011. This Cultural Event slash Carnival is all about community and social change. Partners Healthcare and Channel 7 have put on The Annual Boston Health Expo for the past four years in June. This would be a huge  opportunity to make an impact nationally. It would cost about 50$ or so to rent a small table/booth and hand out pamphlets of N.O.R.M.L. literature and  display diagrams that vividly show some of the more major medical advancements that could be achieved by the utilization of marijuana such as its use as a bronchodilator. Another fun way to educate the masses would come at the end of September next year at the "Malden Community Health Fair" It was hosted this year by Cambridge Community Health Alliance. There were games and face painting with doctors. There were free bike helmets and other safety gear. This would be an awesome free way to get information dispersed.
      I knew I would find something to do as far as civic engagements go however this opened my eyes to the idea  that awareness of my issue could be a full-time year round job. ............Sorry I was daydreaming. Back in reality I  have to pay rent and go to school. But if I hit the lottery tomorrow I vow to devote everyday of every week of the next 5 years to the education of serious social issues. But I do still have to go to school because I am not going to get an honorary degree from Harvard like Barack Obama) . Lottery money or not I will be able to get information to  vast amounts of people efficiently through the implementation of theses organized civic engagements.

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