Monday, October 11, 2010

The president for a second grader

        The President of the United States of America is Barack Hussein Obama. This job carries a lot of power. As Spider Man would say,"with great power comes great responsibility"

         To be the President you must be at least 35 years old, a natural-born U.S. citizen, and have lived in the U.S. at least 14 years. There are some benefits to being the President in return for four years of work including : $400,000 of taxable income, $50,000 for expenses which is taxed and $100,000 tax free for travel per year. A taxable pension upon retirement with a salary equal to a cabinet member, which according to is 191,300 per year. So yes, he gets that for the rest of his life. He gets Camp David which is a beautiful retreat on a lake in the country, his own private plane and a professional chef.

          The President also has a lot of power and "say so." He is the Commander in Chief and Commission Officer of the armed Forces. This means he has the final say regarding our military. Besides impeachment, which is firing the President, the President can forgive any federal crimes. He gives speeches that other people write for him and meets with important people from other countries. He can also pick who gets some of the lower level jobs under him. He shares the power to choose the higher ranking officials like judges with the Senate, which is one of the other branches of government. The President shares the power to approve legislation with Congress, the third branch of government. Legislation is new laws. Many people say he works very hard for his money

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