Saturday, October 2, 2010


                                                     BE THE CHANGE
The rerformation of marijuana laws is an issue that many are too prudishly uncomfortable to speak about because it is not politically correct. In my Opinion, this is partly because of a lack of education on the particular subject, which according to "Merriam-Webster" is the definition of ignorance. I will be arduously fighting to educate and open peoples eyes to the many benefits that the legalization of marijuana presents; fiscal, medicinal  and ecological. I will be explaining in detail a few of the hundreds of medicinal applications tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can be used as an ORGANIC substitute to the SYNTHETIC DRUGS being pushed on an unsuspecting, naivly trustworthy public. I will also disclose the opportunity to assist in the decimation  the multi billion dollar deficit we are facing as a country. I look forward to working with N.O.R.M.L.  which is an organization that has made great leaps of progress in the reformation of marijuana laws. I eagerly anticipate interviewing and getting feedback from skeptics and naysayers. Enlightening and educating every enemy of the evolution of herbal medicine is a task I will be taking very serious. I will be analyzing sociological alterations that will arise when this momentous ammendment is made.

       I am not advocating the use of "drugs" in anyway and am approaching this topic as an unbiased inquirer  . Hugs not drugs! Lets save the lab rats

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. I look forward to seeing what else you have to say on the issue.
